Matt Anderson, schiacciatore classe 1987, è stato operato di appendicite qualche giorno dopo esser rincasato dalla Cina. Il racconto dalle parole dello stesso giocatore, che sceglie Instagram per affidare i suoi pensieri sull’importanza della .
“What a year. After some time in China, I decided to return home to my family and start to pay more attention to my mental health. Something that is dear to me much like my family and volleyball career but that I also let slip to the back burner and when I left for my pro season it was plenty apparent. Immediately after I got back home, we went to a place on the beach to do some deep thinking and communicating about what makes us most happy and turn our directives towards that. The day before I was to return to it, bam I was hit with appendicitis! One emergency appendectomy, a crazy hairdo and some more scars(little ones)!!! It changes our plans. It gives me more time to think about what I need to do to be a better husband, father, teammate, friend and citizen of the world. Hope everyone has a great weekend and Go Bills!”
L’articolo Matt Anderson operato di appendicite: “Ho pensato a cosa mi serve per essere migliore” proviene da Volley News.