WTA Palermo: La situazione aggiornata Md e Qualificazioni. Altri tre forfait in Md. Cocciaretto e Errani entrano nelle qualificazioni

Kuznetsova e Stojanovic risultano già cancellate nelle liste ufficiali:

Main Draw https://www.palermoladiesopen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/PalermoMD2020Update.pdf

Qualificazioni: https://www.palermoladiesopen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/PalermoQ2020Update.pdf

Inoltre anche Fernandez rinuncia (a dir la verità fin dall’inizio sembrava improbabile che potesse/volesse venire dal Canada per una qualificazione)

Rilevante il protocollo di sicurezza previsto dalla WTA:

It is strongly recommended that players and PST (Player Support Team) take a PCR (nasopharyngeal swab) and Antibody Test between 5 and 7 days before traveling to the tournament. If taken, results from these tests must be provided to WTA SS&M before traveling to the tournament.

Players and PST should not travel before consulting with their personal physicians if they are experiencing symptoms &/or test positive related to COVID-19.

Players and PST must undergo COVID-19 screening and testing upon arrival at the tournament hotel. Players and PST must arrive at the tournament hotel at least 3 days before the first day they must be on site for a match at the tournament.

Players who arrive before the start of per diem (but no more than 3 days before they must be on site for a match) for required COVID-19 testing are not responsible for the cost of their own hotel nights before the start of per diem.

Testing in Palermo will commence on Tuesday 28 July and will be available daily from 9:00 am until 7:00 pm.

Access to site will only be allowed after receiving a negative result from the PCR Test at the tournament.

If a player tests positive for COVID-19 (PCR), the WTA will automatically withdraw her from the tournament, and the player will be required to isolate immediately and follow medical advice.

Fonte: http://feed.livetennis.it/livetennis/

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