Reshanda Gray, centro ora in forza a Győr, ha accusato la società Dike Napoli di un mancato pagamento di stipendi durante la stagione 2016/17: qui le decisioni del BAT.
Upon providing all parties with an opportunity to be heard, having examined his jurisdiction
and considered the factual and legal arguments as well as the requests for relief submitted in
this case, the Arbitrator decides as follows
Dike Basket Napoli SSD ARL shall pay Ms. Reshanda Gray USD 14,607.86
as unpaid salary, together with interest of 5% per annum from
3 November 2017 until payment.
2. Dike Basket Napoli SSD ARL shall pay Ms. Reshanda Gray USD 7,875.00
as penalty for late payment.
3. The costs of this arbitration until the present Award, which were
determined by the President of the BAT to be in the amount of
EUR 5,500.00 shall be borne 80% by Dike Basket Napoli SSD ARL.
Accordingly, Dike Basket Napoli SSD ARL shall pay Ms. Reshanda Gray
EUR 4,400.00.
4. Dike Basket Napoli SSD ARL shall pay Ms. Reshanda Gray EUR 1,500.00
as reimbursement of the non-reimbursable handling fee.
5. Any arbitration costs associated with a Request for Reasons (see
attached Notice) shall be advanced and borne by the requesting party.
6. Any other or further-reaching requests for relief are dismissed.
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